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  • Staying the Course: Stability in Unique Times

    Prior to the rapid impacts of the pandemic, which arrived in early 2020, our firm—like many companies in the Seattle area—was on track to have a record year. This was fueled by strong results on behalf of our clients, a growing team of professionals who brought their best every day, and a booming regional economy in need of the services RedCloud specializes in. Of course, the personal, economic, and societal fallout from the onset of the pandemic has touched everyone in one way or another - some far worse than others from a medical and economic perspective. It is safe to say we are all still navigating the pandemic every week or daily. At RedCloud, we’re proudly staying the course in our business, ensuring our clients and employees maintain a sense of stability and results that we have long prided ourselves on. Will the record-breaking year continue? Well, we might have to hit pause for a few more months on that trajectory. However, we’re happy to report on a strong first half despite the challenges in front of us. The SS RedCloud sails on strongly into a headwind! For our consultants, the adaptation to remote work has gone astoundingly well. We recognize that our industry’s reliance (and implementation) on technology makes us fortunate to continue to work and dissemination our decision-making via today’s communications tools - ensuring we stay highly productive on behalf of our clients. We know that RedCloud is fortunate not just to have survived the pandemic to date but to have continued to thrive - building our team and adding new clients and projects. While our firm and projects continue to push forward under the steady eye of our leadership team and account managers, as a company, we continue to learn each day of this unusual life we all find ourselves in and will adapt based on the ups and downs of the pandemic. “We are all in this together” is an oft-used term in today’s society, but could just be the most simple and poignant way to describe our firm’s attitude in the midst of a challenge unlike any other. We thank our clients for their continued trust in our work and as always, our RedCloud team of dedicated professionals that continue to “come to work” and thrive.

  • 10 Minutes With: Senior Marketing Manager Yan Ma

    Today, we’re connecting with Yan Ma, our new Senior Marketing Manager. Despite joining our team during a unique time in our society and economy, Yan is off to the races with her clients, providing expert-level services based on a career in technology. ​ Yan’s expertise lies in many areas, from digital marketing to vendor management and process improvement. With previous experience at Microsoft as a Product Marketing Manager and a consultant, she’s a natural fit for our RedCloud team, too. We recently had the chance to sit down (virtually, of course!) with her about her RedCloud experience so far. Briefly describe your role and how long you've been at RedCloud. I am a Senior Marketing Manager and have been with RedCloud for three months. I manage and produce go-to-market and readiness communications to support global sales of Microsoft Teams. I collaborate with stakeholders and content contributors across the organization from compete to product investment for advisories, newsletters, pre-reads (for events), etc. What was it like to join RedCloud (onboarding process)? In my experience, it was very streamlined and transparent. I’m not new to consulting companies, so some of the onboarding at RedCloud was industry standard. What I felt was different was their eagerness to meet me, get to know me, and quickly place me. It was a very smooth process for me. Given your background and other experiences, what stands out to you with RedCloud? Their professionalism, personable communication style, and ongoing check-ins/feedback. What originally drew you to RedCloud? After a former coworker at Microsoft introduced me to one of RedCloud’s recruiters, I was drawn to the firm by their approach. The recruiting team was very personable, and they tried to find out what areas of marketing I was interested in for a good match. Also, they had various opportunities for me to explore right away! Where do you see the future of consulting or the future of RedCloud? Hmm…well, working in the age of the gig economy, I’ve seen more and more consulting companies over the past few years pop up, so it’s gotten quite competitive. Due to the flexibility and ability to choose which projects contractors want to (personally) pursue, I believe it will remain an attractive alternative to the typical 9-5. Name one piece of technology you couldn’t live without and why? Hardware – my mobile for obvious reasons; software – Instagram for obvious reasons 😊 What are you looking forward to the most this year with RedCloud? I want to continue growing our relationship with our client and expanding my professional experience with my current role, along with the additional training RedCloud offers.

  • Lunch and Learn Recap: Personality Assessments

    For this month’s employee Lunch and Learn, we turned inward to learn more about ourselves with the help of our special guest, Executive Coach Todd Calongne. Todd’s background as a senior-level public affairs and communications expert with several prominent U.S. Government agencies makes him a natural leader and experienced executive. He has advised cabinet secretaries, foreign dignitaries, members of Congress, and CEOs. Today, Todd helps companies like RedCloud become more self-aware, encouraging authenticity for success. We loved the sound of this! As a little bit of homework before RedCloud’s session with Todd, our participating team members completed the Advanced Insights Profile personality assessment, which aims to identify What natural talents do you have?, Why are you motivated to use them?, and How do you prefer to use them?. During lunch, Todd explained the various results of our individual profiles, including DISC (measuring our behavioral styles), values, and core attributes. Together, we explored the results of our team and discussed the benefits of understanding each unique personality type. This unique approach was a compelling way for us to learn more about how we think as individuals. Todd pointed out that there are no bad personality types, as each of the four dimensions is important for different reasons. Having a variety of behavioral styles on the same team is advantageous, Todd explained, and we couldn’t agree more with the notion of bringing a diverse set of approaches and insights to a project creates success for our clients. Our Key Takeaway on What makes a person successful? Research conducted by the Innermetrix report we used shows that the most successful people share the common trait of self-awareness. They recognize the situations that will make them successful, making it easy for them to find ways of achieving objectives that fit their behavioral style. They also understand their limitations and where they are not effective and this helps them understand where not to go or how not to be as well. Those who understand their natural behavioral preferences are far more likely to pursue the right opportunities in the right way, at the right time, and get the desired results. ​ Our RedCloud Results? Our team typically preferred the I & S categories - interactive and stability. As consultants, our team is geared towards stability and prefers pacing, persistence, and steadiness. Interacting with and connecting with people is who we are at RedCloud. As our team reviewed our results, many of us could see the connection between our personality types and career paths. A lot of us were “Low Political” or low regulatory in personality style, further confirmation that we are collaborative and prefer to serve as trusted advisors rather than rulers. This edition of our Lunch and Learn Series turned us inward, something that comes with perfect timing as we identify how we handle stress and how we utilize the help of our teams during these uncertain times. We’re so grateful for Todd’s expertise in helping us grow stronger as a unified team. These are lessons our entire team can take forward to improve our team and, ultimately, the work we deliver each day to our clients! Onward!

  • Where Are They Now? Update on Scholarship Winner Madison

    With all that has happened in our community and society since November 2019, it seems like much longer ago than just seven months when we proudly awarded Madison from Stanwood High School our annual RedCloud Consulting Scholarship. Alongside our community partners at Toys For Kids, this tradition is one of the most impactful for us—a tangible benefit of our team's hard work throughout the year. We always love to track the impact of our community programs and, in particular, to see how our scholarship winners take this boost to the next level in their educational careers. To that end, we recently caught up with Madison, who is wrapping up an anything-but-usual senior year of high school via remote learning through the pandemic. Still, with a positive attitude she is known for. Here is a quick update directly from Madison, along with some truly valuable advice for the next scholarship winners: Madison - 2019 Winner “I am graduating from Stanwood High School and will attend Skagit Valley College, where I will also play basketball. This scholarship has made a huge difference in my college experience, as it has lifted a lot of stress off of my shoulders. I definitely feel very fortunate to have this opportunity and am looking forward to seeing all the good it will bring. I plan to earn a bachelor's degree in nursing and later specialize in pediatrics. Some advice I would give the newest scholarship winners would be just to enjoy the experience. It is a blessing to have the chance to meet and connect with the amazing people who make up this foundation. I advise the newest winners to lay out a good plan for themselves and to choose a college where they'll be able to succeed the most. The new way of going to school will definitely take some adjusting but I have been able to cope by using the time to be with family. On the education aspect, I've been preparing for college by taking advanced and college preparatory classes and developing better studying habits. On the social aspect, I have been preparing by continuing to get to know my future teammates and coach. I'm very grateful for the Toys for Kids Foundation, donors, and all of those who make it possible to help the community as well as students.” We can’t wait to see Madison’s continued journey, as we’re sure she’ll make a positive impact in the world! Join us in congratulating her on graduation and the next steps!

  • Community Update: Toys for Kids Steps-up Support During COVID-19

    At RedCloud, community is everything. It’s one of our North Stars, and serves as a guiding value we keep close to our business in all we do. We believe our success is in part due to a healthy, vibrant community in which we operate, and a driver for why we partner with a group of organizations who help children in our region. ​ One of the organizations we’re proud to support is Toys for Kids, who helps children of all socioeconomic backgrounds be better prepared for school and life. As part of our year-round support for this amazing organization, we recently checked in with TfK and in particular on how COVID-19 is impacting the families and children they support through school readiness and gift giving. As perhaps expected, TfK shared how now, during the peak of COVID-19, many families and children in our region are in need of essentials. With school suspended, jobs lost, and parents working at home, the needs are greater and the support TfK provides becomes critical. As it’s in their DNA as an organization, TfK has truly stepped up their efforts in the face of the pandemic to help meet a set of needs that is burying families and children. Including ongoing support from RedCloud, TfK has made an incredible local impact with $31,000 in donations that lead to the delivering of essentials to local families including: ​ 21,000 diapers 35,000 baby wipes 1,000 lunches 20 Lenovo ChromeBooks to help with remote learning Financial assistance with rent and utilities for those in need through the Issaquah Food Bank 26 Self-care packs to domestic violence victims Stories like that of TfK gives us all hope that even in the hardest of times, we can pull together and support each other. Thank you, TfK for all you are doing during challenging times and for all of your hard work in making sure our local families get what they need to carry on!

  • Community Update: Toys for Kids Steps-up Support

    At RedCloud, community is everything. It’s one of our North Stars and serves as a guiding value we keep close to our business in all we do. We believe our success is partly due to a healthy, vibrant community in which we operate and a driver for why we partner with a group of organizations that help children in our region. ​ One of the organizations we’re proud to support is Toys for Kids, which helps children of all socioeconomic backgrounds be better prepared for school and life. As part of our year-round support for this amazing organization, we recently checked in with TfK and in particular, on how COVID-19 is impacting the families and children they support through school readiness and gift-giving. As perhaps expected, TfK shared how now, during the peak of COVID-19, many families and children in our region need essentials. With school suspended, jobs lost, and parents working at home, the needs are greater, and TfK's support becomes critical. As it’s in their DNA as an organization, TfK has truly stepped up its efforts in the face of the pandemic to help meet a set of needs that is burying families and children. Including ongoing support from RedCloud, TfK has made an incredible local impact with $31,000 in donations that lead to the delivery of essentials to local families, including: 21,000 diapers 35,000 baby wipes 1,000 lunches 20 Lenovo Chromebooks to help with remote learning Financial assistance with rent and utilities for those in need through the Issaquah Food Bank 26 Self-care packs for domestic violence victims Stories like TfK's give us all hope that even in the hardest of times, we can pull together and support each other. Thank you, TfK, for all you do during challenging times and for all your hard work in making sure our local families get what they need to carry on!

  • Tips for a Successful Interview

    At RedCloud, we recognize that the interview process can feel overwhelming. That's why our dedicated recruiting team is here to offer you expert advice to navigate it with confidence. Drawing from our wealth of experience, we've compiled essential tips to ensure your success. Most interviews are done via video through Microsoft Teams. Please join the meeting 5 min before the start time. You can ask your RedCloud Recruiter to troubleshoot Teams with you to ensure that both your video and audio are working properly. It’s best to have a background that reflects your professionalism. Make sure the space you’re in is clean, quiet, and organized. Prepare as best you can so that no pets, children, or other distractions come into the frame during your call. If you're using Teams on your desktop, consider selecting a RedCloud Backdrop Image from our gallery below for your background. You can also opt to blur your background for added focus. Dress professionally, as you would for an in-person interview. Remove hats and sunglasses before you get on the call. Your RedCloud Recruiter will try to give you as much insight into the team and scope as possible, but if you have questions beforehand, please feel free to ask. Do research on the interviewer, team, and organization. Come prepared with questions to ask your interviewer that will help you gain more insight into the day-to-day, deliverables, team atmosphere, etc. ​Have your resume handy. Be prepared to answer questions about your prior work experience. Most interviewers prefer clear and concise answers to their questions. Try answering questions in terms of: “this was the scope/challenge, this is what I brought to the table, and this was the end impact.” Be respectful of your interviewer’s time. Provide complete responses, but steer away from tangents. Pause occasionally to give your interviewer the opportunity to ask any follow-up questions. Don't discuss decision deadlines or rate of pay with the client interviewer. These are questions for your recruiter and/or Account Manager only. ​Relax, smile, and do your best to leave a positive and authentic impression on your interviewer. TEAMS BACKDROPS If you'd like to use one of the RedCloud brand backdrops for Teams featured below: Right click on the image, select "save as", and save it to your preferred location before uploading to your Teams app. When you’re done, please let your recruiter know how your interview went! Good luck! We’re rooting for you!

  • 4th Annual JA Day: Becoming Teachers & Students For They Day

    Recently, and for the 4th year in a row, a team of RedCloud consultants and HQ staff spent a day as elementary teachers for our annual “JA Day” in partnership with Junior Achievement of Washington. JA of Washington is a non-profit with a mission to support and inspire young students to succeed in their future endeavors. This program focuses on enhancing standard schooling by having professionals, like our RedCloud team, instruct students with a curriculum that focuses on developing lifelong skills like workplace readiness, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship. According to JA of WA, 49% of U.S. employers recognize that talent shortages impact their ability to serve clients and customers. An overwhelming 91% of millennials wish for greater access to entrepreneurial education programs. These are a few reasons why RedCloud partnered with JA of WA almost 5 years ago! For this JA Day, 23 RedCloud team members made their way into 16 classrooms at Redmond Elementary to interact with dozens of students. For our team, stepping into a classroom can feel a bit nostalgic, bringing us back to the times in our lives when we dreamed of what we would become as adults. These familiar feelings encourage us to share our “real-world” experiences with these bright-eyed students to empower them in their futures. A few themes that came out during this year’s instruction included: The importance of being part of the communities around us, The jobs within those ecosystems to care for others and The financials involved with being independent The students have a basic understanding of these topics but talking through them with real-world examples while providing an outside perspective helps to solidify these learnings. A big part of JA Day is allowing students to have space to dream out loud and talk about what kinds of businesses and jobs they want to have someday. When we talk realistically about their dreams in business and entrepreneurship, students begin to think about various financial implications for themselves and the local community. By educating students, we will empower the younger generations to overcome challenges they face later in their careers. One of our team members, Karen Middaugh, reflected on the day spent in the classroom: “The kids were creative, smart, and already so aware of the outside world. I think we learned as much as they did! Thanks to RedCloud for providing such a wonderful and inspiring opportunity.” The students and our team members learned so much along the way, and we always look forward to the next JA Day on our calendar. Junior Achievement of Washington spreads inspiration throughout our region, and we are proud to call them partners with RedCloud.

  • RedCloud Consulting Named One of Washington State’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies

    ​It’s no secret that our regional, state, and even local economies are some of the hottest in the entire nation. The Pacific Northwest draws thousands of new tech and “gig economy” workers here to live, work, and thrive. Having been anchored in this community for more than two decades, RedCloud has been fortunate to have seen growth first-hand. Since our firm’s distinct pivot in 2015 towards business and IT consulting, we’ve helped drive some of that regional growth ourselves. Recently, we were again named in the Puget Sound Business Journal’s “Eastside 50 Fastest-Growing Private Companies” list, landing at #28 with continued revenue growth at 57% between 2015-2017. Coming off of last year’s #1 ranking of our 678% growth rate since 2014, it is an honor to remain on this list while our company has matured significantly since our early days. While continued growth will always be on our mind to enable us to scale up the interesting, varied, and unique project opportunities for our consultants, investing back into the firm to ensure long-term stability, quality resources for our team, and unmatched placements for our clients has become our top-priority as a matured firm. Looking down this year’s list at the other companies, we are encouraged by the other entrepreneurs who have joined the wave of economic boom in The Pacific Northwest. These 50 Eastside companies have employed more than 13,700 people globally in 2017, an increase of 88 percent from 2015. The data proves how far the local economy has come and signals where the PNW is headed. Congratulations to all those on this year’s Eastside 50 list – what an amazing business community we are a part of!

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