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10 Minutes With: Shiloh Gillespie

Meet Shiloh Gillespie, an Account Manager at Red Cloud with a passion for collaboration and understanding the "why" behind every action. Shiloh's journey in consulting began in 2010, and she's been thriving in the field ever since. From championing vulnerability in leadership to belting out tunes at Carnegie Hall, Shiloh's story is full of surprises! Want to learn more about her work-life balance tips, favorite reads, and passion for music? Keep reading below!


Briefly describe your role and how long you have been in consulting.

I am an Account Manager, and in the simplest terms, I love partnering with people to work toward goals. I can see the big picture but also thrive in the details. I am also nonjudgmental, curious, and seek to understand the motivations of those around me. Everyone has a “why,” even when it is not easy to see at first.

I started consulting in 2010 when I joined a firm as a project manager. I remained in this capacity for three years, during which time I had the opportunity to assist the internal account team on a part-time basis. When a full-time opportunity opened to backfill an open head count on the sales team, I jumped at the chance and have never looked back.  

How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance in your role?

Long walks with my dogs at the end of the workday and exercise before the workday starts. It is easy to get lost in the tasks required within the day, but if I prioritize my health and the start and end of the day, I feel great!

If you could suggest a book for the entire team to read, what would it be and why?

I would recommend “Dare to Lead” by Brene Brown. In this book, Brown encourages leaders to embrace vulnerability, build trust, and prioritize empathy in the workplace. This read was so incredibly eye opening and really challenges a lot of workplace norms that have been in place for so long. However, I can already see that RedCloud has many of these values in place already!  

What is a piece of obsolete technology you still have a soft spot for?

Polaroid Camera – I love the vintage vibe of the photo quality, and there is something super gratifying about shaking the photo around to help it develop faster!

What is one thing that people don’t know about you that they would be surprised to discover?

In May of 2022, I had the opportunity to join a group of singers and sing at Carnegie Hall. I didn’t realize it prior, but if you are part of a group interested in performing at Carnegie, you can work with a tour agency of sorts to put this together. We were one of 3 groups that performed about 30 minutes of music. As a lifelong performer, performing at Carnegie was a bucket list opportunity. Since I am not a professional, this was the perfect opportunity to check that one off the list!

Share one of your favorite quotes:

“Between stimulus and response, there is space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

What are you passionate about or enjoy outside work?

Music is my creative outlet, and I love it in all forms. I have participated in choir singing since middle school and love the process of learning the music, refining it over time, and creating beauty in a collaborative group setting. I also love to experience music live as a listener. In the summer, this is typically in an outdoor setting, but I try to get out and catch a band all year round as much as I possibly can.  

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